Family & Education 2024-03-08T17:08:40+00:00

The first priority of government is to maintain the safety in the communities in which we raise our families. The office of Commonwealth Attorney carries the responsibility presenting evidence against those who challenge the safety of our community by breaking the law. I will be an intense, hardworking prosecutor to help preserve the safety of the communities where we raise our families.


Eddie Jones is married to Jenny Hines. Jenny is also an attorney. Eddie and Jenny practice law together at the law firm of Boehl Stopher & Graves, LLP. Together they have two children. Allison is a senior at Murray State University and Gabriel attends elementary school at Clark Elementary.

University of Kentucky College of Law


I received my undergraduate degree from Evangel University, a small liberal arts school located in Springfield, Missouri, majoring in Public Administration with a minor in Military Science. After college I attended law school at the University of Kentucky College of Law. In the past 33 years, I have enjoyed the opportunity to represent clients in a variety of legal issues. A major focus of my law practice has been litigation and trial work. In my career, I have presented well over 60 jury trials.

I endorse the skills and character of Eddie Jones as both a lawyer and friend. In past litigation, Jones helped me face a situation in which our government had reached an erroneous conclusion. On my behalf, Jones asked good questions and kept asking good questions until he had good answers – the right and truthful answers.
Tony Hamilton, President, BA's Automotive