County Commissioner Service
In 2018, Eddie Jones was elected as one of three McCracken County Commissioners. Local Government is a “team sport” and the McCracken County community has enjoyed a good local government team on the field these past 5 years.

In 2019, Eddie Jones drafted the McCracken County Sports Tourism Commission Ordinance. This legislation created additional revenue (paid by visiting tourists who rent hotel rooms in McCracken County) to construct additional facilities for sports tourism in McCracken County. This legislation has generated over 5 million dollars of additional revenue for McCracken County citizens and will continue to create 1.3 million dollars per year.
In 2020, Eddie Jones co-wrote the City/County Agreement which retructured the economic development mission for Paducah and McCracken County. Since its restructuring, Greater Paducah Economic Development (GPED) has helped create 700 new jobs for McCracken County. (As of January 2024)
In 2020-2021, Eddie Jones worked as part of a team to fund Sprocket, Inc. with sustainable income as part of the McCracken County economic development effort. Sprocket is a 501(c)(3) digital economic development organization growing tech-enabled businesses in McCracken County. Sprocket also manages the coolest co-working space in western Kentucky which is located in a renovated Coca-Cola factory located at 3121 Broadway Street, Suite 106, Paducah, Kentucky 42001. Since its inception, Sprocket has helped generate 149 jobs in McCracken County.
In 2022, Eddie Jones served on the joint City/County 911 Community Oversight Committee. This work eventually culminated an agreement between the City of Paducah and McCracken County to construct a new, 10 million dollar, 911 emergency system replacing a very old, inadequate and archaic system.
Since 2019, Eddie Jones has served on the regional board of directors for Paducah Area Reuse Organization (PACRO). PACRO is the designated agency to liquidate the Department of Energy’s (DOE) surplus assets and to further redistribute those assets (or proceeds) into the regional economy for the purpose of creating new jobs. PACRO is administered by a 15 member Board of Directors which consist of both regional local government leaders and private industry. In 2021, Eddie was elected Chairman of the PACRO Board of Directors.