McCracken County Jail Cost

For three years, the McCracken County Fiscal Court has studied the revenue and expenses associated with running the McCracken County Regional Jail (Jail). [1] Historically, the Jail has been a huge cost to McCracken County. Below is a table and graph demonstrating the historic cost of operating the Jail. The financial [...]

By | 2022-08-23T20:58:45+00:00 April 22nd, 2022|Uncategorized|Comments Off on McCracken County Jail Cost

Paducah Adds Sports Courts to EXPO Center

I am very proud of my community's effort to enter the business of "sports tourism.”  😎 Reliable sources say that the repurposed facility is potentially booked for 30 weekends out of the remaining 39 weekends in our fiscal year. 😎 Below is a 4 page article about the project.  If you [...]

By | 2024-06-09T19:30:53+00:00 September 24th, 2020|Economic Development, Sports Recreation, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Paducah Adds Sports Courts to EXPO Center

The Genova Sale – More details

Later today, McCracken County and the City of Paducah will sell the property and building located at 5400 Commerce Drive (the Genova Plant).  Below is a summary of the transaction from the County's perspective and from a historical perspective. Summary of the History and the Transaction This property was initially developed [...]

By | 2024-06-09T19:37:00+00:00 July 10th, 2020|Economic Development, Uncategorized|Comments Off on The Genova Sale – More details

In the News

Well . . . today I enjoyed some attention from the Paducah Sun.  😏 I'm still processing their words and thoughts.  The paper feels I should have disclosed the fact I assisted Scott Darnell with his last days at PED.  The County Attorney said I was not required to disclose.  Frankly, I [...]

By | 2019-02-12T02:10:22+00:00 February 11th, 2019|Economic Development, Uncategorized|1 Comment

“Where’s Waldo?” Meets Recovering Addict – Part 2

In recovery, we recovering addicts count time. Initially, we count 90 meetings in 90 days. Very soon we start to feel the power of gratitude and we keep counting because "counting" reminds us to continue to use the power of gratitude. In the early days of recovery, I remember the comfort from [...]

By | 2019-02-06T18:19:44+00:00 February 6th, 2019|Uncategorized|4 Comments

The Triple Rail Trilogy (Sorry No Ewoks)

During the past few weeks I have written three (3)  blog post about the “Ohio River Triple Rail Mega Site.”   This post combines those three (3) posts into one (1) post and makes for a little easier reading.  Post 3 is intentionally listed before Post 2 because . . .  well, it [...]

By | 2018-10-29T17:06:35+00:00 October 29th, 2018|Economic Development, Uncategorized|Comments Off on The Triple Rail Trilogy (Sorry No Ewoks)

Ohio River Triple Rail Mega Site – Part 3 of 3

In 2016, Sentury Tire Company vetted one hundred (100) communities and building sites in fifteen (15) different states for the purpose of constructing a 1.3 million square foot facility.  The anticipated construction costs of the facility would be $530 million dollars.  The expansion would result in one thousand (1,000) new jobs with an average annual [...]

By | 2018-10-26T23:27:37+00:00 October 26th, 2018|Economic Development, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Ohio River Triple Rail Mega Site – Part 3 of 3

Paducah Sun Candidate Questions and Answers

Below are the questions and my riveting (humor) answers in The Paducah Sun article interviewing candidates for County Commissioner. 1.  Tell us about you. I am a fifty-three (53) year old father, military veteran, and small business owner. My education experience includes an undergraduate degree in Public Administration and a law [...]

By | 2018-08-18T17:43:30+00:00 May 17th, 2018|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Paducah Sun Candidate Questions and Answers